
Ivana Tilešová is a slovak artist. She graduated from a master’s degree in the Jewellery department at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. Before that, she finished her bachelor studies in the Sculpture and Installation department. So even during making jewellery she create a complex art piece. Ivana really love to work multimedia and is connecting multiple artistic disciplines in one artwork. Her ideas and concepts are often human-centred. Human emotions and personality are some of her main interests. Absurdity often occures in her art, thought which she convey her visions to the viewer. 


4. - 8.10.2023            Romanian Jewelry Week, Bukurešť, Rumunsko

7. - 14.12.2022             Bratislava Design Week, Zoya Gallery, Bratislava, SK

25.9. - 26.11.2022      Marzee Graduate Show, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, Holandsko

9. - 23.9.2022              Kolektívna výstava “Dialogue”, Dizajn Štúdio ÚĽUV, Bratislava, SK - v rámci festivalu ŠperkStret - Conference of Contemporary Jewellery

17.3. - 28.4.2022        Kolektívna výstava “Vzácny čas”, Galéria Satelit, Bratislava, SK

13. - 31.9.2020

Kolektívna výstava “Pekné kúsky” v rámci festivalu Showcase Divadla NUDE

Venovaný ženám, Pistoriho Palác, Bratislava, SK

awards & projects

2023        Získanie ocenenia “The award for the social message at Romanian Jewelry Week 2023” Bukurešť, Rumunsko
2022        Výber mladých umelcov pre video stories, Q&A článok o mojej umeleckej činnosti a
          diplomovej práci pre ARTSTHREAD - Global Design Graduate Show 2022 in collaboration
          with Gucci
          - link tu:

2022        Európska umelecká súťaž MArteLive 2022, výber do top 10 v kategórii “Handicraft”
          (Západná, Stredná a Východná Európa)